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Heat Pump Servicing Waikato

Maximise the efficiency of your heat pump.

Stay Cool In Summer & Warm in Winter With Pratts

We guarantee a comprehensive heat pump service to ensure your system runs smoothly and efficiently, keeping you comfortable in any weather.

Get Some Peace of Mind Today

Ensure your heat pump and air conditioning system is in top shape with Pratts.

Book your service today and experience the difference of a well-maintained system. All heat pump services include a Free comprehensive Heat Pump WOF. 

Book Your Aircon Service Today

We service all makes and models, and include a FREE comprehensive Heat Pump WOF with all services

Accredited Dealers, Installers and service agents for:

Comprehensive Heat Pump Servicing by Pratts

Our heat pump and air conditioning services include

IQP Inspection/Building Warrant of Fitness: We conduct an inspection to ensure your system meets the SS9 requirements and provide you with the necessary reports and 12A form.


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