Davey Rainbank Submersible Pump Kit
Davey Rainbank Submersible Pump Kit
RainBank is an automatic controller for rainwater harvesting.
RainBank controls the water supply for toilet and laundry applications by automatically selecting the water source. Rainwater isgiven priority with mains water supplied seamlessly as a back-up for when the tank is empty or in the event of a power outage.
RainBank can save up to 40% of a household's mains water use, helping to conserve this precious resource and lower water bills. It is available and factory matched to a wide range of dependable Davey submersible pumps or surface mounted pressure systems to meet the needs of the home owner.
Submersible pumps are quieter running and a more secure as they are installed inside the rain water tank.
Submersible Pump Kits (includes wall mounting bracket)
KRBSA1 RB2/S & D23A/B 9003 0.20 10 lpm
KRBS1 RB2/S & D42A/B 9003 0.60 40 lpm
KRBS1/20 RB2/S & D42A/B20 (with 20m lead) 9003 0.60 40 lpm
KRBS2 RB2/S & D53A/B 9003 0.84 63 lpm
KRBS2/20 RB2/S & D53A/B20 (with 20m lead) 9003 0.84 63 lpm
Please contact us for latest pricing
Submersible Pump Kits from