Septic Tank Concrete 4500L Single Chamber
Septic Tank Concrete 4500L Single Chamber
Our septic tanks feature a 10 year comprehensive warranty with design life cycle of 50 years. Most tanks have a supporting PS1 document (unless noted) for both top loading which details burial depth below finished ground level as well as side loading for tanks buried close to foundations, boundaries or retaining walls.
Our range includes industry standard single chamber septic tanks as well as dual chamber for improve settlement characteristics or use as a pump chamber. Pumps may be added to service earth mound laterals or above tank effluent / drainage fields. Other designs are available on request e.g. multi chamber grease traps.
Optional extras includes:
- Extended bases / anti-floatation sills for high water tables.
- Epoxy coating system for chemical resistance.
- Dividing walls or multi chambers
- Additional manholes
- Large diameter pipe penetrations
- One off designed title panel process tanks
Our septic tanks are offered complete with roof, manhole riser / lid and inlet / outlet junctions allowing for quick, easy site installation.