150mm 4.2 Metre Free Standing Wood Fire Flue Kit 2400 HiTherm - galv outer
150mm 4.2 Metre Free Standing Wood Fire Flue Kit 2400 HiTherm - galv outer
Stainless inner and galv outer, with stainless cowl and casing cover.
Top quality, NZ made
2400 Kits include a 600mm long 250mm dia. Outer Casing and 250mm dia. Outer Casing Slip Extension
4.0 metre kits meet the Flue Pipe height requirements of AS/NZS 2918:2001 (4.6m rule) for a standard 2.4m stud height and a Wood Burner height of 600mm or greater.
Flue Kit Includes the following product:
2 x 1200mm lengths inner stainless steel Flue Pipe - coated with matt black HiThermĀ® heat proof paint
1 x 1200mm length inner stainless steel Flue Pipe - uncoated
1 x 600mm length inner stainless steel Flue Pipe
1 x 1200 length galv Outer/Inner Casing Combination
2 x 600mm length galv Outer Casing Extension
1 x Anti Down-Draught Cowl (stainless steel)
1 x Casing Cover (stainless steel)
1 x Top Spacer Bracket (stainless steel)
1 x Ceiling Plate (stainless steel)
1 x Pkt Screws & Spacers
Product is usually in stock at all of our branches. Call 0800-772-887 to check
Note: Flue Kit doesn't include heat sheild
150mm 4.2 Metre Free Standing Wood Fire Flue Kit 2400 HiTherm - galv outer from $842.00